Over the last few years, the developing economies have experienced considerable progress in terms of financial inclusion and access to financial services. This evolution -which has been essentially accompanied by technological progress (such as mobile banking, innovation and new distribution channels)- has expanded the access and the use of financial products. The importance of this inclusion is increasingly recognized by business leaders and executives around the world. In particular, the financial inclusion of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which represent a significant share of businesses, has become a key aspect of the diversification and growth challenges facing many countries. Moreover, it is clearly recognized that financial inclusion plays a key role in reducing poverty, stimulating shared prosperity and supporting inclusive and sustainable development. This is a set of measures which can be used to fight banking and financial exclusion. It is an approach that is very much concerned with a whole range of financial and non-financial products and services. It aims at broadening bank accessibility to the population that is excluded from the traditional banking circuit. Consequently, this inclusion allows poor populations to finance their activities, save and meet the needs of their families so that they protect themselves against every day’s life risks.
Thus, better financial inclusion of companies can promote economic growth, job creation, financial stability, the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policies. In this context, international experience makes it possible to identify several factors that can favor bank credit for the benefit of small and medium-sized enterprises. We cite, among others: economic fundamental factors (such as macroeconomic stability, the modest size of the public sector, the solidity of the financial sector, etc.) and institutional factors (good governance, control of the financial system and establishment of a business climate conducive to activity). More generally, a high level of financial inclusion and a more open and competitive economy are two elements that are capable of stimulating investment and thereby promoting growth and economic development. However, a low level of financial inclusion prevents the financial sector of a given country from fully playing its role in sustaining growth, alleviating poverty and reducing inequalities.

This scientific event aims to provide a space for dialogue between scientists, decision-makers and other authors involved in the study of financial inclusion and the availability of financing for small and medium-sized enterprises, its objectives and its role in achieving financial stability and economic growth of countries, emphasizing the role that governments and central banks play in supporting this approach.

Conference themes tracks
Topics could cover issues such as:
1. Fundamental pillars and components for developing financial inclusion strategies.
2. Impact of financial inclusion on economic growth.
3. Financial inclusion of small and medium-sized enterprises and effectiveness of macroeconomic policies: the main challenges.
4. Economic growth and financial development.
5. Determinants of financial inclusion
6. Lessons learned from the experience of financial inclusion in developing country.
7. Role of economic actors in the implementation of policy decisions relating to financial inclusion.

Submission procedure
- Please submit a paper as word file attachment copied to the following e-mail addresses: and
- Extension of deadlines:  August 10, 2022. 
- Acceptance of proposals will be notified by August 25, 2022.
- The workshop is organized in a sequence of plenary single sessions. Each paper will be assigned a discussant. Presentation will be 20 minutes, followed by 15 minutes for discussion.
- The workshop will be held online.
- There are no participation fees.

Publishing opportunity
Selected papers will be considered for publication in the review of “Les Cahiers du MECAS”.

Dr. ZENASNI S. (ESM-Tlemcen)